Poem By Glorjana Veber

Published on 9 December 2022 at 13:58

Glorjana Veber (1981) is a poet, performer and spiritual researcher who holds a degree in political science and scientific doctorate in Literary Studies on the topic Poetry - an element of social change. She has received a several national and international poetry awards, her poetry is translated into more than 30 languages. Within her Institute IRIU she developed more than 1000 innovative-experimental projects with poetry in Slovenia and abroad. She is the author of several poetry books in Slovenia and abroad. Among them the bilingual poetry book In Proximity of Silence, which was first Slovenian book translated into Bengali language. Recently her two poetry books were translated into Macedonian language, chosen by Committee of the Ministry of Culture, Republic of North Macedonia. She is also the author of the book WisEye, which holds 500 spiritual thoughts about life named by Akasha field: Akashicas.  


Poem By Glorjana Veber

Poem By Glorjana Veber
Audio – 1.8 MB 523 downloads

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