Ariana Bytyçi was born in 1985 in Lipjan, Kosovo. He completed primary school in his hometown. There he completed the high school of mathematical and natural sciences. Graduated from the branch of Albanian Literature at the Faculty of Philology, at the University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina", and a master's degree in Media and Communication.
Until now, her poems have been published in the daily newspapers "Lajm" and "Botapress". He has also published in "Knowledge" in the Swedish state, in the poetic Galaktika "Atunis" in Belgium, "Free Speech" in London, "Albanian Tribune" in Pristina", newspaper "Dielli" in the USA, "West in Approach" in Tirana and in the "National" newspaper, etc.
Ariana Bytyçi's poems have also taken place in poetry anthologies such as "Poetic Longing", "Poetic Table", "Letterary Meetings" in which poets from Kosovo, Albania, North Macedonia, Presheva and the Diaspora have been presented, then also in anthologies published in Sweden and Romania.
The poet Ariana Bytyçi has participated in many literary and poetic manifestations, such as the National Festival of Literature for Young People, the traditional meetings of creators from the diaspora and many other meetings, where her poems have been awarded with recognition and various prizes.
There are published works:
I'm sorry my flower, 2015
Verse of my heart, 2016
The Godo cry, 2016
You are part of the homeland, 2016
Anthology: I want to talk to flowers, 2021

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