Break Free from the Addiction by Christian Chidozie Okoro


Addiction is a mental state which is characterized by persistent and intense urge to indulge in a habit or behavior. There are several habits a person can be addicted to. The habits may include: drug consumption, use of the mobile phone/internet, shopping, among others.

However, some of the Addictions mentioned in this book are positive ones. Examples of such include: addiction to perfection, God addiction, among others.


Among all the mentioned addictions, one thing is common to them all. If a person is addicted to a particular habit, the habit tends to control the life of the person as opposed to what should be obtainable in a human who is supposed to be a free will agent who should control and dictate his actions.


Addictions can take a toll on a person's life. Certain addictions are so bad that if they are not properly managed or controlled, they can translate into some psychological disorders, such as depression, suicidal thoughts and mental disorders. Little wonder, issues about mental health are commonly heard of, in the world today.


This book basically aims to assist everyone battling with the psychological state of mind known as “Addiction” in finding healing to his or her mental health.


The poet designs each of the poems in this book to have a poetic analysis. He employs thematic analysis to throw more light on each poem as well as give some advice on how to break free from the addiction.


This book is recommended for everybody, however it comes very handy for anyone who is struggling to break out of a particular habit.



Christian Chidozie Okoro hails from Imo State, Nigeria in West Africa. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Biochemistry from Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria. He also holds a post graduate diploma in Education. He is a prolific writer. He has written a good number of books ranging from motivational books, fictional books, poetry books, to mention but a few.

His love for the success of other humans is top notch. He has a special flair for Arts and Literature. However he could be best described as a motivational poet. All Christian Chidozie Okoro's are available on Amazon.

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